Catch of the Week!

Your Best Source for Unique Fish, Seafood, Meat & More


Discover our exceptional caviar collection, showcasing sturgeon varieties known for distinct characteristics, all sourced legally and traceably.

Crystal clear waters, wild, unspoiled nature, the rhythm of life determined by nature cycles. We believe that the quality of our caviar depends directly on the welfare of our sturgeons..

Siberian Caviar

Oscietra Caviar

Caviar from sturgeon of the species Acipenser baerii (Siberian sturgeon). It has medium-sized roe in colours ranging from black to grey to brown. It is distinguished by a rich, complex flavour with a distinct and long finish.

Caviar from sturgeon of the species Acipenser gueldenstaedtii (Russian sturgeon). It has large roe pearls in colours ranging from grey, through olive and brown to golden. It is distinguished by a slightly nutty, pleasant flavour with a velvety, buttery finish.

Caviar Fine Dishes

They say to never serve caviar with a metal spoon. Caviar may oxidize when it's exposed to metals like silver, so the caviar could lose its flavor and pick up the metallic flavor instead. 

We have some fine caviar dishes made from Mother of Pearl which you can have a look at!

Pairing Caviar

Keep pairings simple. Dry white wine, champagne, vodka or tequila. Overly strong drinks will overpower caviar's delicate taste.